50 Things I Learnt by 50

I recently turned 50. It’ been a reflective time that got me thinking about life. Am I proud of who I am and what I have done and what have I learnt that I could pass on to my children? I decided to ponder this and put this article together with meaningful insights that I have learnt from the past half century. I hope you find something valuable that can add meaning to your life…



(1) Health is our greatest asset 

I have always believed being healthy is one of life’s most precious gifts and important priorities. When we are healthy we can do all the things we want (and all the things we need to do) – better. We can also do them longer.

Most people use age as an excuse why they can no longer do something. I say it’s bullsh#t. Age is irrelevant, it’s your state of health and physical capability that matters most. There are 20 year old’s who cannot run one kilometre and there are 80 year old’s running marathons. It’s got nothing to do with age and everything to do with fitness and health.


(2) Lift weights.  You start to lose muscle after the age of thirty so weight training maintains muscle mass which maintains strength and physical capability, so you can continue to do what you love. Lifting weights also strengthens one of life’s most important commodities: personal confidence.


(3) Go green. There’s a lot of conflicting information on what constitutes healthy eating but one thing is irrefutable. You can’t go wrong eating plants. Eating plants improves your health.


“Eat well, move more –  it’s not rocket science”

Timo Topp 


(5) You always feel better after exercise.


(6) Something is always better than nothing.


(7) Get to bed on time. Sleeping well is the most important thing you can do for your wellbeing.


(8) Be thankful for all the good in your life. Gratitude nurtures a positive mindset and reduces stress.


(9) Everyone likes a drink, nobody likes a drunk. Enjoy a glass of the good stuff but don’t have it everyday. It’s best kept for social situations, not managing stress.


(10) Drink water. Your body is made of water, (not diet coke, chai latte or red wine) it’s what your body needs for health, energy and it helps manage your appetite. Quite often you are not hungry, you are thirty.



On a positive mindset

(11) Believe and achieve. If you want to achieve something, you first have to believe you can do it. I always love the saying ‘You cannot hit a target you aren’t looking at’.


(12) Never talk to yourself in a negative way and let go of unsupportive thoughts. Life is hard enough without giving yourself a hard time.


“If you think you can, you probably can, if you think you can’t, you definitely won’t”


(13) Worry less. Most of the things we worry about are never as bad as we think they will be.


(14) Be kind to yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back from time to time and say ‘well done’ to yourself.


On Self Discovery

There is a lot of focus in life on getting a good education but equally important and often overlooked part of our development is that of ‘self’. One of the most important questions you should ask yourself and seek to answer is:


Who are you and what do you want? (15)


(16) When you can answer that clearly and definitively you will have direction, purpose and clarity and can truly live your life. Said another way:


The greatest journey you can go on is inward, of self-discovery and growth. 


(17) The greatest achievement in life is inner peace.


(18) Always strive to ‘Be the best you can Be’.


(19) Listen to your inner voice, it often has the right answers.


(20) Learn from your past, enjoy the present and plan for a better future.


(21) Acceptance, forgiveness, non-judgement, gratitude – this is the way.


(22) Go with the flow because sometimes whatever is meant to be shall be.


‘We all inhabit this small planet, we all breathe the same air, we all cherish our children’s future and we are all mortal’



On tough times

(23) Life is like the weather. There are going to be sunny days and cloudy, wet days and occasional storms. Be prepared to weather the storms as much as enjoy the sun.


(24)  If you fall down, get up. What other choice is there? 


(25) Be prepared for let downs. People will let you down, things won’t go your way and accidents will happen. It’s part of life.


(26) You will have bad days, don’t dwell on them for too long. Keep moving forward.


(27) Failure can be our greatest teacher – I learnt in boxing, getting hit in the head will teach you very quickly to keep your guard up!


(28) Sometimes it’s all right not to have all the answers. I learnt this from a life coach I had to support me through a very uncertain time, after my marriage separation.


One of my favorite quotes that sums up resilience and getting through tough times:


‘It ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit, how much you can take and keep moving forward – that’s how winning is done’

Rocky Balboa


On family, friends and relationships

(29) Tell your family and loved ones you love them. Show them you love them. Love them.


(30) Love and friendship is like a garden, tend to it and it will bloom but neglect it and weeds will grow.


(31) Be genuinely interested in people. Listen to what they have to say.


(32) Apologise when you have hurt someone and made a mistake.


On Success

(33) Keep it simple. Life can be complicated. Try to simplify things.


(34)  Purpose, passion and persistence. When you read about success and successful people they all had these three qualities.


(35) Revaluate your course. Be persistent and don’t give up too easily. However, if you have been trying something for a long time and it’s just not working you have to make a decision whether to change your methods or quit.


(36) Attention to detail. When I started work at the Grosvenor House health club on Park Lane, in London, the manager asked me to wipe the fire alarm clean of dust. I didn’t see the point at the time but now I pay attention to detail. People notice and it makes a big difference.


(37) You are living a successful life when you are achieving your own goals, living by your values and doing what you want (as long as it’s not negatively impacting others).


(38) Curiosity may have killed the cat but it shaped the world. Never stop being inquisitive. Albert Einstein said imagination was more important than knowledge.


(39) Consistency counts. The tortoise beat the hare. Be consistent in your actions.


(40) Action not excuses.  Successful people get on with it. They come up with solutions to the challenges they face whereas unsuccessful people tend to come up with excuse after excuse why they can’t.


On big decisions

One things for sure in life, you are going to need to make some critical decisions and there are a few things I have learnt to help make better ones.


(41) Never make a big decision when you are not in a good headspace. To make a good decision you need your mind to be in a good place, so if you aren’t, take the time or do things to clear emotions. Delay the decision until you are in a better place.


(42) Seek the counsel of select friends and experts to assist you in a decision as they can contribute a different perspective but ultimately the decision is up to you.


(43) Sleep on it. If you are close to making a big decision, have that thought in mind and go to bed. See what you ‘feel’ when you wake up. That early morning clarity can help confirm your thoughts.


On adventure and experience

(44) Life is an adventure. Enjoy it. Live it.


(45) Our most rewarding moments happen when we are on the edge of our capabilities and comfort zone. At first, we fear them but when we dive in we experience incredible elation and sense of achievement whether its falling through the sky – skydiving, speaking in front of a large crowd of people or simply addressing something you have put off for years.


(46) Readers are leaders. From books we gain so many insights, facts and inspiring stories. Reading is like exercise for the brain.


(47) Always learn, develop your skills and grow as a person.


(48) Be creative. It’s fun and inspiring.


On making a difference

I believe one of the most important things we can do in life is add value to the lives of others, contribute to the world and make a difference.  If we all did this, the world would be a much better place.


(49) Perform random acts of kindness. It makes others feel good and it makes your own heart shine.


(50) Help others. From opening a door for someone, to making a donation to charity to calling a friend who’s going through a rough time to volunteering your time to help others, to the work you do. It’s  personally rewarding and contributes to a world where others are better and happier.



In the very far future, on my death bed, I would simply pass on to you these words…


Enjoy life, look after your ‘self’, don’t worry too much, spend time with family and friends, strive to be your best, learn and grow and contribute to make a difference and….


The Force Will be With You, Always….




  1. Geri on March 20, 2021 at 2:22 am

    Great life advice! As someone who is just about t go into their 20s, this is all very valuable!

  2. Kate Helsham on March 20, 2021 at 3:39 am

    Everything you say is so true. Being in the medical profession I’ve witnessed first hand how much your health impacts on your life. Also I’m training for this 5km swim with 70 year old females. They are such an inspiration. I value reading your insights. Thanks Timo.

  3. Janet G on March 20, 2021 at 3:52 am

    This is great, Timo!! And I have heard you say or seen you do very many of these lessons. Thanks so much for concentrating on what matters. You are such an inspiration to work with!

  4. Delwyn on March 20, 2021 at 10:12 am

    Fabulous Timo, well written so concise! I loved every minute of reading this and totally agree. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏾

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