Everyone knows to lose weight and get in shape you need to eat well and exercise but why is it still so hard for most people to get results? Like any successful process there is a successful system with targets that must be meet in order to deliver the result.

Let’s explore the targets you need to meet so you can lose weight, tone up and look and feel your best!



Aim for 4 workouts per week of 30-45 minutes of moderate to intense exercise. A general recommendation is two strength workouts and two cardio workouts.



In addition to exercise you must also be physically active every day. You need to aim for 10,000 steps per day. Use your phone to track how active you are. If you haven’t accumulated many steps get yourself out for a walk!



Drinking water is important for your health, eating habits and energy levels. Your body will easily confuse dehydration for hunger. So instead of drinking water, you eat and often high calorie snack foods! Aim for 2 litres a day as a very general benchmark.



Naturally you need to eat well and avoid the junk. In its simplest terms aim to eat as much real, fresh, natural food and as little processed, packaged, pre-made, snack food as you can. Meals should be balanced with all the major food groups of carbs, some fats and protein. When a meal is balanced it will provide satiety and stop you from getting hungry too soon. Also a predominately plant based diet is much lower calorie and healthier way to eat.


Meal times

In addition to eating well you must eat regularly and not erratically. Try to eat every 4-5 hours. If you miss meals or eat erratically you will get hungry and over eat and/or prefer sweat, higher calorie foods at your next meal. Eating regularly is critical for health, stable energy levels and weight loss.


Treats and junk

Treats, junk and snack food such as crisps, biscuits, chocolate, muffins, sweets and desserts should be kept to a strict budget of no more than 3 per week. These foods are extremely high in calories and can contribute 20-25% of your daily calories in one serve! So anymore than 4 and you are adding an extra days worth of calories into your week!



Alcohol is a huge handbrake to weight loss success. If you eat well and exercise but aren’t getting the results chances are you need to stop – yes stop –  drinking alcohol! Alternatively, cut down to no more than 10 drinks per week.


 Progress not Perfection

This might seem like an awful lot to have to get right! Don’t worry you won’t get it right from week one. Like everything in life, it will take time to master. Aim for progress not perfection. If you are achieving an 80% pass mark, you are doing great!


Your Results Checklist for Guaranteed Results:

  • 4 workouts per week
  • 10,000 steps per day
  • 2 litres of water
  • Eat well, predominantly plant based food
  • No more than 3 treats per week
  • No alcohol (at least less than 10 per week)


If you aren’t managing to meet these targets please don’t complain you can’t Get Results!

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